Threads for smoofers

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      One group comprises big farms. Given land consolidation and subsidies to increase productivity, large-area farms have emerged as a result of CAP. They are the winners of the existing setup, especially the cereal growers. This group’s umbrella organization, La Federation Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA), is the biggest farming group in the country and has, in fact, co-managed the farm business with France’s agriculture ministry since the inception of CAP.

      We say farmers, but do we mean small farmers or big farmers? We need to stop pretending they have the same interests.

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      Apparently there are consequences for letting your ally blow up the gas pipeline that was powering your economy. Then funding two proxy wars so that you can relive your grandfather’s white supremacist fantasies.

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        right who would have thought!! :)))

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        I wonder if we’ll hear about this proposal again… They have a way of coming back

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      Independent media outlets can save us.

      The problem with ‘media literacy’ is that is places the entire burden of upon the consumer. I have no ability to fact check while I’m reading the news. So I will always outsource it.

      Only through the competition of narratives will I ever question a reailty I cannot experience myself.